Burning Man 2022 Fundraiser
In an effort to expand access to harm reduction services at Burning Man, DanceSafe is building Burning Man’s first harm reduction mutant vehicle.
Our new art car, “The Junk of the Damned,” will provide much-needed harm reduction services on playa including free earplugs, condoms, fact-based drug information, and more. 100% of the funds raised from this page will go towards supporting our outreach services at Burning Man.
DanceSafe is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and all donations are tax deductible to the amount allowed by law. The tickets being offered in this sweepstakes are gift tickets from Burning Man, and have been authorized to be used in this way.

Win Two Free tickets and a vehicle pass to Burning Man 2022!
This sweepstakes is for TWO (2) tickets to Burning Man 2022 ($475 each), as well as one Vehicle Pass ($140), for a total value of $1090.
Donate $30 and receive a Junk of the Damned Pin
Limited edition (666 made) Junk of the Damned pin, double posted.
Donate $50 and receive a Junk of the Damned Pendant
This is a large pendant, about the size of your hand.