New Fentanyl Test Strips – Box of 500
Our new, improved fentanyl test strips can quickly and reliably detect fentanyl and most of its known analogs in a drug sample. Unlike other strips on the market, they do not produce false positives with meth, MDMA, or cocaine.
Each order of test strips comes with an instruction sheet and a 10 mg micro scoop.
Quantities included:
- 1 – 10 single strip(s): a free instruction sheet and a 10 mg micro scoop
- Each 10 pack: a free instruction sheet and a 10 mg micro scoop
DanceSafe fentanyl test strips have been laboratory-assessed to work for harm reduction purposes, as opposed to just urine testing. Learn more.
WHOLESALE: If you are a retail store, online reseller, or social service agency distributing strips for free, register here for wholesale pricing. For questions, please email us at or call 888-636-2411 x 2.
- Description
- Additional information
Before using fentanyl test strips, it is critical to read and follow our instructions. You can read all about fentanyl test strips and how to use them correctly here. Not all fentanyl test strips work the same. Even if you’ve used them before, the information on this page is still important.
Test everything you intend to consume
Testing everything requires dissolving your entire dose or batch in water.
- For drugs consumed orally, you can dissolve your dose and drink the water after testing. (The strips do not contaminate the water.)
- Dissolving your dose is a good move if you want to test your drugs right before taking them orally. (Ex. Measuring and testing 120 mg of MDMA before consuming it.)
- For drugs like cocaine or meth that people like to insufflate (snort), you can get the powder back by evaporating the water. (Instructions below.)
- Dissolving your entire batch is useful and efficient because you can test all of your doses at once, but you’ll need to take the time to evaporate the water back out before it’s usable.
Testing a portion of your drugs
The best method is to test every bit of the drug you intend to consume, but if you can’t, at least test a good cross section. We recommend a minimum of 50 mg.
- Before doing so, crush any crystals, shards, or rocks into a fine powder.
- Next, mix the powder up as thoroughly as possible by stirring or shaking the baggie.
- This helps distribute any fentanyl that might be clumped up inside, increasing the likelihood that some will be in your sample.
STEP 1: Preparing and diluting your drugs
Whether you are testing everything you intend to consume or a smaller portion of your drugs, you need to dilute the powder in the correct amount of water.
Open the tab and follow the instructions below for each type of drug.

1. Weigh your drugs.
Use a milligram scale to get the weight of the crystals or powder you are going to test. Write it down so you don’t forget. If you don’t have a milligram scale, you can use one of our 10 mg micro scoops.
A level scoop of finely crushed powder (not rounded) is approximately ten milligrams (available here).
2. Place your drugs into a small container.
- If you are testing 50 mg or less, a standard bottle cap from any 20 oz soda bottle works great.
- If you are testing more than 50mg, use a cup or bowl.

You can use a micro scoop and a bottle cap to test a portion of your drugs. A standard plastic bottle cap holds approximately one teaspoon (5 ml) of water when almost full.
3. Add the right amount of water.
This step is very important.
Add one teaspoon of water (5 ml) for every 50 mg of powder.

NOTE: Use proper measuring spoons, like those for baking.
- 1 US teaspoon is almost exactly 5 ml
- 1 US tablespoon is three teaspoons (15 ml)
- 1 US cup is 48 teaspoons (240 ml)
If you don’t have proper measuring spoons, a standard plastic bottle cap is a bit larger than a teaspoon.
4. Stir the mixture until completely dissolved.

Counterfeit pharmaceutical tablets containing fentanyl kill thousands of people every year, and they can look exactly like the real ones. There is no way to know whether illicitly-purchased pharmaceuticals contain fentanyl without testing them first.
1. Crush the entire tablet into a fine powder.
2. Pour the powder into a small cup.
3. Add approximately four tablespoons (a quarter cup) of water.
4. Stir the mixture. Binder may not completely dissolve. That’s ok.
1. Use the same steps above for testing pharmaceutical pills.
1. Cut a small corner off the blotter.
2. Soak it in a teaspoon of water for 10 minutes.
If you inject drugs, you should try to test every time you inject. The easiest method is to test the residue from your spoon or cooker.
1. After preparing your shot, set the needle aside and wait to inject.
2. Add about 1 ml (1/5th of a teaspoon, or 1 cc) of clean water into the spoon or cooker.
STEP 2: Using the strips
After you have diluted your drug using our instructions above, it’s time to use the strips.
1. Hold the yellow end of the test strip and insert the other end into the liquid.
2. Allow the liquid to travel up the strip into the test area for a full 15 seconds.
3. Remove the strip and set it down on a flat surface. Wait about three minutes.
STEP 3: Interpreting the results
One red line on top (closer to the yellow end) after waiting three minutes is a POSITIVE result for the presence of fentanyl. Two red lines is a NEGATIVE result.
- The lower red line may be significantly lighter than the upper red line. If you can see it at all after waiting three minutes, no matter how faint, it is still a negative result.
- No red lines (or one red line on the bottom, closer to the dotted end) means the test is invalid. Usually this happens because the liquid did not travel far enough up the test strip.

Fentanyl strip testing does NOT destroy your drugs.
You can get your powder back by evaporating away the water. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most popular is pouring the water into a flat-bottomed glass or ceramic dish (like a Pyrex pie dish) and heating it. Other methods involve double boilers, air evaporation (for small quantities), or even blow driers. The most popular method is using an oven.
- Put the pan in the oven on the lowest heat setting, no higher than 225 degrees F.
- Keep the oven door cracked and keep a close eye on the pan. This process can take minutes to hours depending on how much water you’re evaporating.
- When all the water has evaporated, a film/residue will appear on the bottom of the pan. Take the pan out and let it cool.
- This residue usually looks a bit like a thin layer of ice or splotchy crystalline patterns.
- Scrape up the residue using a straight razor or other sharp tool.
- If it’s not fully dry, your powder might be a little tacky or goopy.
Don’t leave your drugs in the oven for too long after they’re dry. They won’t burn right away, but they will eventually. If your drugs weren’t brown to begin with, a tan or brown tint might mean that you’ve burned them.
Except for suicides, overdose deaths are always accidental. The word “overdose” has sometimes carried a moral judgment that the individual was “pushing their limits” in order to get as high as possible, as if it were their own fault.
This is not true. “Overdose” simply means taking too much of a drug, and it is always accidental. Even daily opioid users who know that fentanyl is in their product have no way of knowing the amount.
Instead of blaming others, let’s work together to end accidental overdoses.
Additional information
Weight | 2.375 lbs |
Dimensions | 10.9 × 8.4 × 2.8 in |