Support Harm Reduction and Donate Today for DanceSafe’s 20th Birthday!
Last Updated: February 13, 2023
By: DanceSafe Staff
DanceSafe turned 20 this year! And in those twenty years, we’ve enhanced countless lives through peer education and direct outreach. We’ve distributed thousands of pieces of unbiased, fact-based drug and sexual health literature, hundred of thousands of free condoms and ear plugs, and prevented countless medical transports by offering onsite drug checking to festival attendees. We are taking active steps to dismantle rape culture in the nightlife communities through our #WeLoveConsent program, and we are helping change policy with the Amend the RAVE Act campaign. We are peers educating peers, and we are passionate about the health and safety of our beautiful nightlife communities.
In 1998, when founder Emanuel Sferios created DanceSafe, it was the second entity in the world after the Dutch Government to provide onsite drug checking services at events. In its two decades of existence, DanceSafe has grown to be the largest US-based harm reduction organization in North America, and has gathered strength in numbers with over 1,000 trained volunteers and counting. DanceSafe is currently the only 501(c)(3) public health non-profit using test kit sales to fund health education and harm reduction. Every dollar of profit from our test kit sales, and every dollar donated by you, goes back into the organization so we can continue providing free harm reduction services to our communities.
Our strength is in our numbers, and our mission is carried out by our numerous DanceSafe Chapters across the country. We currently serve 25 geographic locations across the United States and Canada, where DanceSafe Volunteers, through their local DanceSafe Chapter, provide peer education and free harm reduction services at nightlife events, musical festivals, conferences, and more.
Now, more than ever, DanceSafe’s services are needed to combat the negative, and oftentimes fatal, consequences of the Drug War. With the state of today’s unregulated drug markets, driven underground by prohibitionist policies, adulteration and misrepresentation are at an all-time high.
Fentanyl and its highly potent analogues are proliferating, and are being found in MDMA, cocaine, ketamine, and more. The data cannot be denied–public health and government officials, politicians, law enforcement, prosecutors, and the public are beginning to recognize the importance of harm reduction, and specifically drug checking, as a legitimate public health tool. Drug checking prevents adverse medical incidents and even death. Let’s face it–drug use will always occur, so why not address it in an effective, pragmatic, and compassionate way that can actually save lives?
Every dollar donated to DanceSafe is tax deductible and is a direct way that you, the donor, can have a tangible impact on your beloved nightlife community–with your help, DanceSafe can reach even more communities:
$5 – Lets us perform 3 on-site fentanyl detection tests
$10 – Buys a chapter a t-shirt for volunteers to wear on shift.
$50 – Allows us to give away 500 earplugs.
$100 – Allows us to perform 100 on-site drug checking tests at an event
$250 – Provides 200 of EVERY piece of literature DanceSafe makes to give away
$500 – Lets us send a chapter goods which they can sell for $1,000 to fund further outreach (a great way to leverage your donation)
$1,000 – Buys a new, custom branded industrial 10×10 pop-up for a chapter to use for booth infrastructure on outreach
$5,000 – Allows us to launch a new chapter, with all the supplies and support they need to operate independently and self-funded in perpetuity
What will you do to contribute to the harm reduction movement? Donate today!