#TestIt Alert: Round orange pill sold as Adderall contains methamphetamine
A round orange pill with “U31” on one side and two break lines on the other was sold online as Adderall (amphetamine) but actually contains methamphetamine.
A round orange pill with “U31” on one side and two break lines on the other was sold online as Adderall (amphetamine) but actually contains methamphetamine.
A round orange/peach pill with “E 404” on one side was sold in Los Angeles, CA as Adderall (amphetamine) but actually contains exclusively methamphetamine.
An oval-shaped orange pill with “30” on one side and “b 974” on the other was sold in Boston, MA as Adderall (amphetamine), but actually contains meth.
On the spectrum of stigma associated with virtually all illicit drug use, methamphetamine is definitely on the high end, along with heroin and crack cocaine. We all remember seeing the billboards and television ads plastered all over with fear-inciting images of pale and sickly people with missing teeth and sores all over their bodies. The advertisements warned: “Meth. Not Even Once.” “These types of media campaigns neither prevent nor decrease the use of the drug; nor do they provide any real facts about the effects of meth,” states Dr. Carl Hart. “They succeed only in...
Methamphetamine is a long-lasting stimulant that can be ingested in many different ways, each of which will greatly influence its effects.