#TestIt Alert issued for Salt Lake City, UT

A clear capsule containing a white, crystalline substance sold as Molly/MDMA was sourced from West Valley, UT, but submitted from Salt Lake City. This sample tested as N-Ethylpentylone, a substituted cathinone. Little is known about N-Ethylpentylone and its effects, as its physiological and toxicological actions have not been characterized.

10/03/17 #TestItTuesday Alert: No DMT Detected in Powder Sourced From Vancouver

A white crystalline powder sold as DMT and distributed in small decorative bags contains no DMT based on this EcstasyData.org entry. There were no reactions on the Marquis, Mecke, or Mandelin reagents, and lab notes state that table salt and sugar were ruled out. The powder was soluble in methanol and there is no silver nitrate reaction. No DMT was detected in the sample. The powder was sourced from Vancouver and could have made its way into the domestic market. Always test before you ingest to avoid ingesting highly adulterated or misrepresented substances. Purchase your...

09/19/2017 #TestItTuesday Alert: Domestically Sourced ‘Dolphin’ Tablet Contains N-Ethylpentylone and Caffeine

A round, salmon colored ‘dolphin’ tablet sourced from Little Rock, Arkansas tested as caffeine and N-Ethylpentylone, a substituted cathinone structurally similar to pentylone. Cathinones are colloquially known as “bath salts.” Little is known about N-Ethylpentylone and its effects, as its physiological and toxicological actions have not been characterized. The pill had the following reactions on the respective reagents: Marquis: Yellow Mecke: Light Yellow Mandelin: Yellow-Gray (slight orange) Always test before you ingest. Avoid misrepresented and highly adulterated substances by purchasing your DanceSafe drug testing kit here.

09/12/2017 #TestItTuesday Alert: Square ‘Facebook’ Tablet not MDMA as Advertised

A blue square ‘Facebook’ tablet sourced from San Diego and sold as MDMA tested as TFMPP, caffeine, and methamphetamine. TFMPP is a synthetic piperazine that has effects often described as being somewhere between empathogens such as MDMA and entheogens such as psilocybin, mescaline, or LSD. The notes submitted to EcstasyData.org state: “'Effects started 90 min after ingestion. Some disorientation, slight euphoria, mild nausea. Stimulant - unable to sleep for the 12-14 [hour] duration of this pill. No hallucinations. Slight tinnitus. Diffuse paresthesias.” Always test before you ingest to avoid highly adulterated or misrepresented...

09/05/2017 #TestItTuesday Alert: High Dose Warning Issued for Bi-Layer ‘Skype’ Tablet

Warning! A bi-layer “Skype” tablet circulating the black market contains 258.8 mg of MDMA, almost three times the amount of a typical dose (~100 mg). An “extreme high dose” warning has been issued by SaferParty, a Switzerland-based harm reduction group. One side of the tablet is blue with colored speckles, and the other side is white. It is scored on its white side to make it easier to break up into smaller doses. Keep in mind that even if a substance tests positive for MDMA using DanceSafe’s drug checking kits, the reagents will not...

08/29/2017 #TestItTuesday Alert: DOC Sold as LSD on Alice in Wonderland Blotter

Blotter sold as LSD on Alice in Wonderland blotter tested as DOC (4-Chloro-2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine), a synthetic psychedelic compound that produces notably long-lived psychedelic effects when ingested. According to Erowid, it is uncommon as a substance for human ingestion. DOC is a very dose-sensitive substance that is often sold on blotter paper. It is known for its long duration (over 12-24 hours), strong visual effects, a unique form of stimulation, and a significant body load. Because of its sensitive dose-response and unusually long duration, many reports suggest that DOC may...

July 25th #TestItTuesday Alert: Blue Sun Pill Sold as Ecstasy Tests as Amphetamine

A blue pill sourced from Zurich, Switzerland is being marketed and sold as ecstasy (MDMA). Test results published on Friday show the tablet contains 21.1 mg of amphetamine, a common stimulant that is found in Adderall and black market drugs such as speed. As Erowid states, amphetamines are “the standard against which all other stimulants are measured.” Although a commonly used drug, an amphetamine experience is much different than an MDMA experience, so it is always important to know what substance you are consuming in order to properly prepare yourself. Purchase your DanceSafe drug checking kit here...

July 11th #TestItTuesday Alert: Unknown Homer Simpson Tablet Tests as 2C-B

#TestItTuesday Alert! DOH! A light green Homer Simpson pill that could easily be mistaken as a MDMA tablet tested as a 2C-B press. It is unknown what the pill was marketed and sold as, and the source of the tablet is also unknown. The pill was submitted in Bern, Switzerland last month. Always keep your eyes peeled for similar substances to enter the market in your area, as the black market is global and interconnected. Although 2C-B is a sought-after substance, it has different effects and is active at much lower doses than MDMA. If you...

July 4th #TestItTuesday Alert: 3-MeO-PCP Sold as Ketamine

#TestItTuesday Alert! A white powder sold as ketamine has tested as 3-MeO-PCP, another dissociative that is active at much lower doses. 3-MeO-PCP is reported as more physically stimulating than ketamine and other psychedelic dissociatives. Where ketamine causes people to be physically sedated and incapacitated at strong doses, 3-MeO-PCP's powerful effects on the mind can be accompanied by standing up, walking around, talking, and potentially doing dangerous activities.  Because it is less physically sedating than ketamine, strong doses of it can cause ambulatory delirious states during which users may not realize they are unable to differentiate...

April 18th #TestItTuesday Alert: Celebrate Safer This Bicycle Day

It's #TestItTuesday! Today, we are discussing LSD and drug checking in honor of Bicycle Day tomorrow and also offering (for this week only) 10% off anything in our store, including test kits, using the coupon code thanksdoc! On April 19, 1943, Dr. Albert Hofmann became the first person to intentionally ingest LSD. After consuming 250 micrograms (what he believed would be a threshold dose, but is actually nearly 3 times the amount of most modern LSD blotters), he began to experience a deeply altered state. Because the use of motor vehicles was restricted during the war, him and his...