#TestIt Alert: Crystalline White Powder Sourced in San Diego Tests as Mostly TFMPP, a Synthetic Piperazine
Last Updated: August 1, 2022
By: DanceSafe Staff
A clear capsule of crystalline white powder expected to be MDMA tested as 2-parts TFMPP, a synthetic piperazine, and 1-part MDMA, with a trace amount of Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a mostly inert supplement. The capsule was sourced and submitted to EcstasyData.org from San Diego, CA.
According to EcstasyData.org, the Marquis, Mecke, and Mandelin all reacted purple-brown-black, which would indicate some presence of MDMA. This highlights the importance of recognizing the limitations to the reagents in that they cannot pick up and identify everything contained in a sample, but will react to what is the most prevalent substance–in this case, the reagents reacted almost as they should have for MDMA, but the reactions were still slightly off, meaning that there was another stronger presence (in this case, the TFMPP).
We urge our community to keep in mind that drug markets are expansive and these substances may appear in locations other than the submission’s origins. Always test before you ingest to avoid ingesting misrepresented substances. Purchase your DanceSafe drug checking kit here.
If you test a misrepresented substance, please submit it to testit@dancesafe.org to be featured in a #TestIt Alert.
Since 1998, DanceSafe has been keeping the electronic music and nightlife communities safe. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we provide free harm reduction services at music festivals and nightlife events across the nation. All proceeds from the sales of our drug checking kits go back into the organization so we can continue to provide our services in our communities for free. By purchasing a kit, you are not only helping keep you and your friends safe, you are also contributing to the harm reduction movement. Thank you for your support!