#TestIt Alert Issued for Electric Forest
Last Updated: February 13, 2023
By: Madalyn McElwain, Deputy Director
Bunk Police have had multiple positive tests for fentanyl-laced cocaine at Weekend 2 of Electric Forest, taking place now. While Bunk Police were not welcome back to Electric Forest, they are there anyways, conducting renegade drug checking. It appears that the positive tests have come from “coke in clear baggies of varying sizes,” and that “there is a bulk of the product being sold [at Electric Forest].”
The photo pictured in this blog is a picture sent to DanceSafe from Bunk Police of one of the samples that was sold as cocaine but tested positive for fentanyl at EF. If you are in the Forest, please be wary of purchasing drugs onsite, and if you do, text BUNK to 555-888 for updates on their location and fentanyl alerts.
This instance demonstrates the importance of using both reagents and fentanyl test strips when conducting drug checking for all substances. Remember, fentanyl and its analogues are lethal at small doses. You can learn more about how to use fentanyl test strips here, and you can purchase your DanceSafe drug checking kit here.
Since 1998, DanceSafe has been keeping the electronic music and nightlife communities safe. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we provide free harm reduction services at music festivals and nightlife events across the nation. All proceeds from the sales of our drug checking kits go back into the organization so we can continue to provide our services in our communities for free. By purchasing a kit, you are not only helping keep you and your friends safe, you are also contributing to the harm reduction movement. Thank you for your support!