WARNING! – You may be using fentanyl testing strips incorrectly!
A dangerous set of instructions for using fentanyl testing strips has been making rounds across the internet.
Why Does DanceSafe Release #TestIt! Alerts?
Greetings, DanceSafers!
As many of you know, we routinely release Test It! Alerts that detail the appearance, location, and contents of adulterated drugs around the country based on Erowid’s DrugsData Project and community-submitted entries. We believe that this information on its own is useful and important – however, we also want to ensure that our community understands the true purpose of these alerts, which is more than simply being aware of the current nature of the drug market. …

Test it, before you ingest it
Submit a Test Result
Phasellus finibus enim nulla, quis ornare odio facilisis eu. Suspendisse ornare ante sit amet arcu semper, vel eleifend tortor egestas.