How to Volunteer
DanceSafe volunteers are the beating heart of our work. To get started, take the DanceSafe Training Course and pass the test at the end. You’ll then be connected with the closest local chapter and given access to volunteer resources.
Already A Volunteer?
Check your inbox for a link to the Chapter Central, a volunteers-only one-stop-shop. If you can’t find the link, email volunteer@dancesafe.org to check the status of your training and request a new one.
About DanceSafe Chapters
DanceSafe chapters are community hubs that help distribute DanceSafe materials. While this usually happens in music and nightlife settings, local chapters may interact with organizations and individuals from a wide array of backgrounds.
All Active Chapters
About Chapter Leadership
DanceSafe chapter leaders are dedicated volunteers who help make chapter operations possible on the local level.
Anyone interested in chapter leadership must first be a fully onboarded volunteer with completed training and paperwork. To apply for leadership, open the Chapter Central site and navigate to Forms and Databases. Find the chapter leadership form and fill it out.