Early Festival Season Announcements – More to Come!
Last Updated: February 13, 2023
As the festival season heats up, DanceSafe staff and volunteers are being invited to provide services and give talks about harm reduction and nightlife health and safety at various festivals, events, and conferences this summer. Listed below are opportunities to learn more about what DanceSafe does and what you can do to stay safe this festival season. If you find yourself at one of these events, please stop by, learn, engage, and introduce yourself!
On May 19th and 20th, DanceSafe will be on site at Tipper and Friends – Nocturnal Edition providing outreach services. On Saturday night at 6:20 PM, join DanceSafe’s Executive Director, Mitchell Gomez, as he speaks about harm reduction on the main stage with others from Psymposia and Rachel’s Law.
Over Memorial Day Weekend, DanceSafe’s Director of Programs, Kristin Karas, will be taking off for Ireland to present at Club Health Dubin 2017. Kristin will be speaking on a panel titled “Drug Checking in North and South America: Challenges and Opportunities.” The panel, chaired by Stefanie Jones of the Drug Policy Alliance, will be comprised of global harm reduction professionals working to provide drug checking services in the field. Kristin will also present “Taking Harm Reduction Home from the Club,” a discussion about DanceSafe’s upcoming program Harm Reduction Edu. The program aims to raise awareness of harm reduction practices and to address the health gap that has been perpetuated by poor drug policies, misguided drug education, and stigma.
Also over Memorial Day Weekend, Mitchell Gomez will be speaking at Lightning in a Bottle in Bradley, California. On Friday, May 26th at 11:30 AM on Haven, Mitchell will be presenting ‘Harm Reduction 101.’ On Saturday, May 27th at 2:30 PM on Haven, Mitchell is hosting a panel comprised of drug policy experts titled ‘Ending Prohibition, Pathways Forward.’
Mitchell will also be presenting another ‘Harm Reduction 101’ panel at Sonic Bloom in Colorado, June 15th – 18th (details TBD). This is DanceSafe’s first official presence at Sonic Bloom, and we are very, very excited!
Stay tuned for more announcements from DanceSafe as the summer sets in. If you are an event promoter or organizer and are interested in having DanceSafe present on harm reduction and music festival safety, contact us here.