#TestIt Alert: Clear capsule of brown powder sold in San Diego, CA as MDMA but actually contains caffeine, lidocaine, MDPV, and 5-MeO-DALT 

By: Rachel Clark, DanceSafe Contractor A clear capsule containing a brown powder was sold in San Diego, CA as MDMA but actually contained 5 parts caffeine, 2 parts lidocaine, 1 part MDPV, and 1 part 5-MeO-DALT. The sender noted that it has a very strong, odd smell. The sample was both sourced and sold in San Diego, CA.  The sample turned yellow to brown in the presence of Marquis and red-brown in the presence of both Mecke and Mandelin reagents.  Caffeine is a common adulterant of MDMA, due to its...

#TestIt Alert: Red rectangular Red Bull pill with a bull stamped on one side and “Red Bull” stamped on the other, separated by a score line, sold in Dallas, TX as MDMA but actually contains N-Ethylpentylone

By: Rachel Clark, DanceSafe Intern A red, rectangular pill with a bull stamped on one side and the words “Red Bull” stamped on the other, separated by a score line, was sold in Dallas, TX as MDMA but actually contained N-Ethylpentylone. The sample was sourced in Houston, TX and sold in Dallas, TX.  The sample reacted orange/yellow with the Marquis reagent, orange/yellow with the Mecke reagent, and a very slight color change [no color specified] with the Mandelin reagent.  N-Ethylpentylone, otherwise known as ephylone, is a designer drug of the synthetic cathinone...