Support Harm Reduction and Donate Today for DanceSafe’s 20th Birthday!

DanceSafe turned 20 this year! And in those twenty years, we’ve enhanced countless lives through peer education and direct outreach. We’ve distributed thousands of pieces of unbiased, fact-based drug and sexual health literature, hundred of thousands of free condoms and ear plugs, and prevented countless medical transports by offering onsite drug checking to festival attendees.

DanceSafe Announces Relaunch of Bay Area Chapter

After a hiatus, Bay Area DanceSafe is back in action! Bay Area DanceSafe was the first ever DanceSafe Chapter founded in 1998 so it’s especially fitting that the Chapter is revived as DanceSafe celebrates its 20th birthday this year. Bay Area DanceSafe will provide services at events in the SF Bay Area, Santa Cruz, and the surrounding areas.

#TestIt Alert: Counterfeit Adderall Tests as Methamphetamine

An orange, oval tablet sold as Adderall and submitted to from San Jose, CA, tested as Methamphetamine. The pill had imprinted on one side “b” and “974” with break lines, and on the back “-3|0-”, resembling a prescription 30mg Adderall tablet. However, this pill is counterfeit.